Electronic Content Components

 Electronic Content Components

Electronic Content Components

There are many components that fall under electronic content and differ among themselves, such as images, texts, sounds, videos, and other components that can be dealt with in the following.

Abdul Latif Al-Jazzar (2010) indicates that the e-learning content consists of four basic parts, which are [1]:

*. Text: It means all the written data on the screen. It is an important element of the electronic content, as it is presented as paragraphs and headings to clarify the objectives of the content or give instructions and directions to the user, or to explain the components of graphics and images.

*. Linear graphics: These are formative expressions with lines and shapes used to clarify and explain concepts, principles and rules, and to simplify difficult information.

*. Recordings and Sound Effects: Sounds are conversations in any language, music, or vocal tones. Sounds can be divided into three types: music, audible text, and sound effects.

*. Explanatory Maps: It is a way to organize ideas in which lines, symbols, words and images are used according to simple rules to transform information into an organized graphic form that matches the way the mind performs its work.

(Al-Sayyed Abu Khatwa, 2011) indicates that the electronic content consists of a set of elements that can be referred to as follows [2]:

  • The home page includes the basic information of the content, which is the starting point for the rest of the content, and is similar to the cover of a book.
  • Documents: The scientific material that constitutes the educational content is placed in it, and the topics are organized in a sequential manner. To make it easier for learners to study.
  • Manual Support Technical Manual It is a detailed description of the components of the electronic content, and a guide for how to use the content.
  • The educational objectives that the content seeks to achieve.
  • Multimedia component of educational content.
  • Traffic map in the study of educational content.
  • Interaction and communication tools and methods of using them, used for communication between the teacher and learners, and learners with each other.
  • Activities and educational tasks practiced by students.
  • Scientific references, intellectual property, learning resources, and methods of obtaining them.
  • Enriching links to some online learning resources.
  • Calendar tools and methods.

 Also in this regard (Shahinaz Ahmed 2018, 293) adds a set of electronic content components, including [3]:

  • Announcements board: In it, the teacher places written messages for the students related to the course, such as exam dates, etc.

  • Discussion board: for discussions between the teacher and students, or students among themselves.

  • Chat Room: To allow communication between a teacher and a student, or between a student and a student.

  • Drop Homework Box: Where students attach their assignments, or view assignments and exams for the course through this tool.

  • Test preparation tool: through which the teacher can prepare tests (preparing questions).
  • Book Grade: where students’ grades are monitored and stored; to see their results and grades.
  • Statistical record: It is a statistics on students’ use of the educational content components, the pages that students visited the most, the links they used, and the times students used the site.
  • Shared files: where the student can upload documents, photos and worksheets.
  • Notes Page: Students can record notes and ideas.


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