Types of Educational Electronic Content
There were many different classifications of the types of educational electronic content, and after reviewing the studies, writings, and opinions of each of: (Muhammad Khamis, 2011, [1]; Emad Semaan, 2012, [ref] Semaan, Emad Thabet. (2012). The effect of using hyperlinked electronic tests in the exercises Sports on solving mathematical problems and reducing mathematical anxiety among middle school students in Sohag, Educational Journal, Egypt, (p)31, 43-65 [/ref]43), which dealt with electronic contents. The types of electronic content can be classified into the following:
A- e-courses:
It means the set of knowledge, skills, and information required to be learned, which has been organized within a specific framework according to predetermined objectives, and includes student and teacher guides, scientific knowledge, and interactive activities that the learner undertakes in order to acquire information. It also includes a set of educational objectives, examples, digital multimedia, activities, and exercises. access it electronically via the Internet at any time and from anywhere.
B- Electronic Educational Games:
Educational games are one of the types of electronic content that are used to make educational topics more interesting, and add an element of fun to the learning process. Basically, they serve two parts in the learning process (learning and understanding/motivation), and they also help clarify abstract and difficult concepts, and provide a fun way To practice what is learned, and each educational game must have graded levels of difficulty to give the student grades, as well as a specific educational strategy and cognitive message in order for the learner to acquire the required information.
C- Learning Objects:
Educational electronic objects are digital resources that can be used or reused to support learning. They can also be any digital object that may be used in education or training. They are also any educational pieces that are organized to support the learning process. These pieces are small or large. Through the network, such as digital images, educational graphics, audio files, educational videos, texts, films and animations.
D- Digital Storytelling:
It is one of the types of educational electronic content that is provided via a computer, and is used to narrate events using multimedia, and it can be presented in different types in a few minutes. It revolves around personal stories, points of view, and narration of historical events. It is a means of guidance and learning specific things. Electronic terms of content include:
*. Personal stories: which contain important history and events in one’s life or a specific person.
*. Stories and historical documents: that study the course of events and help to understand the past.
*. Stories of experiences and transmission of experiences: They aim to inform or guide the viewer on a particular concept or practice.
E- e-Testing:
The electronic tests aim and indicate the extent to which the learners meet the objectives well while providing appropriate feedback for the performance of the learners. When designing, the program must be easy, and it begins with clear instructions about the test and how to answer it, and that there is flexibility in time for the learner to answer the questions. And that there is a sense of comfort for the learner, and that he obtains the information and directions he needs easily.
While (Mahdi Al-Qassas, 2009) classifies electronic contents into [2]:
*. Contents that are fully relied upon in providing the educational material.
*. Contents supporting the traditional educational content of the textbook.
*. Contents to be downloaded on CDs.
*. Contents are freely available on the Internet.
*. Contents that require special fees and subscriptions to obtain.
*. Ready-made contents prepared by specialized educational bodies.
In a context related to the above, Ibrahim Al-Far and Souad Shaheen (2001, 41-42) believe that electronic content is one of the applications of e-learning, and therefore there are types of electronic contents according to the types of e-learning, and these types are divided into the following [3]:
A- Electronic contents based on the Internet:
It is the content that is designed and published on the Internet and its composition depends on the multimedia components of different forms of content-specific texts, still and animated images, in addition to many other materials, provided that the content provided is compatible with the philosophical, psychological and technological foundations that allow students to access and study this content. .
In this regard, Hanan Khalil (2008, 21) extracted many advantages of electronic content based on the Internet, the most important of which are [4]:
*. Electronic content based on the Internet is characterized by change, and the teacher can add to the content and provide it with different sources.
*. Electronic content based on the Internet achieves interaction between the student and his colleagues, the student and the teacher, and this is not achieved by the electronic content that is not based on the Internet.
*. Centering in electronic content based on the Internet is about the learner, as the learner is the one who controls the course of the educational process.
*. Immediate reinforcement for learners. The reinforcement may be individual between the learner and the teacher, or collective between the learner and his classmates, unlike the content that is not based on the Internet. The reinforcement is individual between the learner and the educational software.
*. The content based on the network is faster in development and maintenance, and the educational material is updated periodically, monthly or weekly, in contrast to the content that is not based on the Internet, as it is more difficult to develop and maintain, because changing the content of the educational material needs to be reworked again.
B- Non-accredited electronic contents on the Internet:
It was one of the most common types of educational content, and it is placed on CDs in which educational lessons are presented directly to the student, and it can be designed according to the tendencies and abilities of the target student, and interaction occurs between the student and the educational software, and the student learns according to the learning method used in the software, and it also depends on the learner in Learning and requires only a few computer skills from the teacher.
In this regard, Ibrahim Al-Far (2000, 351) points out that electronic content that is not dependent on the Internet has many characteristics, the most important of which are the following [5]:
*. Ease of navigation within its content, including the graphical tools contained in its presentation software that help the learner move between its contents.
*. Achieve a better presentation of the educational material through the supports of the multimedia styles used within the software to display these contents, and this is not available in the method of teaching in the traditional way through the content of the textbook.
*. It offers different patterns of uses and interaction with the content, in order to improve the continuous evaluation process of the student’s level according to the development of his level of achievement.
*. In which the learner can view the required amount of educational content, response time, and choose methods of assistance and training patterns within software displaying content that is not based on the Internet.
In a context related to the above, Nevin Al-Sayed (2008, 44) indicates that both the approved and unreliable electronic contents on the Internet share the fact that they contain digital multimedia that was entered and displayed using a computer such as texts, images, animated and static graphics, and videos, and provides the learner with interaction with the materials. educational and media, and provide him with continuous and self-evaluation and immediate feedback [6].
While the two types differ from each other in that the electronic content based on the Internet is available via the network remotely anywhere and at any time, and there are tools that allow communication, interaction and sharing between the learner and the teacher on the one hand and between the learners and each other on the other hand synchronously or asynchronously, which is What is not found in electronic content that is not supported on the Internet.